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The iLeadership Forum – An Invite-Only For Entrepreneurs, Leaders & Influencers Championing Meaningful Causes – Presented by the Center for Meaningful Leadership

THE INSPIRATIONAL LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE - A Personal Invitation to Apply 7 Master Principles For How to Become the #1 Leader In Your Market

Discover the 7 Battle-Tested, Research-Based Principles, That Can Spare You Years of Costly Errors, and That Finally Builds You the Organizational Powerhouse That You Hardly Dare to Dream – WITHOUT Sacrificing Your Integrity and Soul.

Join John Angheli Live For This Free 7-Day Virtual Forum For Inspirational Leadership

Be Part of This Definitive Inspirational Challenge, and Discover 7 Practical Principles For How to Become the Leader You Were Born to Be

iLeadership Forum Starts on Monday, 20th of May, 2024
At 10am AEST (Melbourne/ Sydney)
19th of May, 2024 – 5PM PST (Los Angeles) / 8PM EST (New York),
(Sunday to Monday)



You dream big as an entrepreneur, a leader, a difference maker – a champion of meaningful causes…

While everyone says ‘everything’s going to s#*t’ – you’re saying, ‘all things are possible’, and if you have anything to do with it, ‘the future shall be bright’.

While everyone binges on endless streaming series, or social media or gaming – you’re out there reading the great business books, listening to the thoughtful podcasts, investing in meaningful knowledge…

While everyone plays safe, looking for their predictable income, their predictable comforts, their predictable partners – you’re dreaming of daring great things – of a much better life for you and those you love, in making a meaningful ‘dint’ upon the universe.

But time is slipping by my friends…

Because like the greats that history remembers, they were not merely great dreamers… They also were great doers.

The greats did not just passively await their dreams to come – nor sit around to merely talk about how good some things could be… “if only”.

For they all knew if they don’t act upon this dream, then time would surely bury their dream, along with their eventual bodies.

The greats made the active choice to live a life of no regrets – to leave no stone unturned. They dreamt AND did.

And so if you find yourself right here my friend, I invite you now into a challenge like no other – to put in place the most essential building blocks, for reaching your next stage on your leader’s journey.

Let’s build on rock-solid principles for how to lead a more meaningful and powerful life.


Lead towards Greatness, In an Age of “Collective Insanity”

Beloved author of The Power of Now and teacher Eckart Tolle recently stated:

“We are going through period in increasing insanity, collectively. It’s like an illness… Sometimes it happens not only with individuals, but also collectively. Whole groups of people can go through periods of insanity, and this is what we are moving through now – an area of great turbulence.”

“Narratives are being created that are quite insane”, as Mr. Tolle put it, “and it is a very strange kind of insanity too, because although it bears the form of ‘classic stupidity’ – today’s stupidity is actually led by people with high IQ.”

As such, many of the people who lead us today, or who we are to lead – they’re trapped in completely dysfunctional thought processes.

And we’re talking more than just mental illness. It’s more than just depression, anxiety, social phobias, panic disorders, agoraphobia, PTSD, ADD and so on, (which is at an all-time high).

This disfunction is in our politics and in governments all around the world. For even as we speak, many are doubling down on the very ideologies that already harmed millions. Rather than changing direction, the collective insanity states to do more of the same things, but to do them now much faster, with mass surveillance, for total global compliance.

As such, our society and community has changed. The fabric of trust between people has been torn. It may not be explicitly stated, but we certainly can feel it…

For people everywhere are now looking over their shoulders, as to whether what they’re saying may get them cancelled, or sued, or fired. They’re worried on who’s listening in, and what’s the “new speak” political blacklist for the month.

Who dares to say today, as once was the norm, “Hey mate – I live in a free country, and I can say whatever I want?!”

(Undoubtedly you have your own story and your own examples to prove the point.)

Yet like Albert Einstein put it,

“the solutions to the major problems that we face today, these will not be solved at the same level of consciousness that we were at, when we created them.”

As such, amidst these times, another smug, self-congratulatory TED talk or equivalent about what we need to do as leaders – all these just ain’t going to cut it!

It’s time for fresh thinking, fresh perspectives, fresh leaders.

It’s time for iLeadership Forum – How to Unleash the Power of Meaning

(For when they go low – We go high!)

The Power of Our Will to Meaning

About Your Facilitator: John Angheli
B.Arch, M.B.A, M.Ed, M.A.
Leadership Counsellor

John Angheli is a leadership counsellor and online educator whose mission is to re-moralize tomorrow's leaders, today. He has lectured in higher education, served as president of the Australia Life Coaching Society, and worked as a leader's counsellor for nearly two decades. 

With numerous degrees (in Architecture, Business, Education, Philosophy, and Film Studies), he brings fresh perspectives and innovative ideas on how to empower individuals and communities. John's aim is to reawaken our innate will to meaning, in order to strengthen our best strengths. His online programs, iLifeChange, AQMeets, and Self-Actualization Quests Counselling, are inspiring a whole range of new leaders on their own heroic journey. 

His latest project, the feature documentary 'The Great Aha', is an autobiographical movie that showcases how our pursuit of happiness in life is connected to our most innate pursuits and why this matters most of all.
No More Lone Wolf Battles: iLeadership Forum - Where Strategic Minds Converge for Victory!

This is why we have created the iLeadershipForum – for leaders of intelligence, integrity and influence – who seek deep seated solutions, to deep seated personal and cultural problems.

This is a forum for serious leaders only – who care about themselves, the broader culture, and the effective difference that they can make.

Together, we will address the deep structural problems affecting leaders today, and how to navigate this brave new world, with wisdom.

We will explore what classical philosophy has had to say about matters like this, in tandem with contemporary psychological research – so we lead with excellence, in an age of collective insanity. We will unleash the power of amplified meaning within your life and your organization.

So here’s your exclusive invitation to join a strategic alliance of like-minded individuals, where shared strategies become the foundation of collective success.

For we’re not just about leadership pep talk. We’re a community of profound thinkers – a fellowship where shared profound insights become the foundation of collective success.

The iLeadership Forum - A Mastermind to Re-Inspire and Re-Integrate Your Inner Leader

The iLeadership Forum is not about cliche advice about the subject, nor wishful thinking, nor another talk about what’s most fashionable for the month…

The iLeadership Forum is all about first principles – i.e. what principles bring about a greater power of meaning within?

These were all discovered through a comparative literature research, (for a Master of Education degree) – where two of the most important and influential research projects into self-actualization were analyzed and compared.

The principles discovered through this triangulation forms the backbone of this 7-day program here.
As such, here’s just what we will cover:

Day One:
Principled Prioritization

Learn the art of principled prioritization, as to unlock your yet untapped potential as a leader – where your time and energy are invested in activities that truly move the needle.

(For without knowing how to prioritize based on principles, you’re most often subject to overwhelm, constantly battling to swim upstream, amidst torrents of competing demands.)

Day Two:
Harness the Heart

Discover the transformative power of the heart in entrepreneurship, and how to harness the emotional intelligence that sets great leaders apart.

(For without knowing how to engage the heart, and how to meaningfully connect with your passion and purpose – then disengagement, distraction, and disillusionment quickly takes over.)

Day Three:
Unearth the Vision

How to uncover your unique vision for success in your big life projects, and how to align your goals and aspirations with your core values and beliefs, so you have a clear roadmap to guide you and to inspire those around you.

(For without a clear vision, people do perish – as a wise proverb once put it – which slowly disintegrates even your best relations with your supporters, stakeholders, employees, customers and beyond)

Day Four:
Emphasize Urgency

How to cultivate a sense of urgency and energy that fuels your entrepreneurial journey – so each day is infused with purpose and determination, driving you towards your goals, with unwavering focus and commitment.

(For without a sense of urgency, opportunities slip through the fingers and momentum is quickly lost amidst the waves of entropy all around us.)

Day Five:
Co-Lead a Mastermind

Discover how to form a supportive mastermind of like-minded individuals who share your passion for success – providing you with accountability, encouragement, and fresh perspectives, as to overcome the inevitable challenges of meaningful growth.

(For without a supportive mastermind, lacking the camaraderie and collective wisdom that comes from other entrepreneurs – you’re predestined to not even know, what you don’t know)

Day Six:
The Great Habits

Develop supportive habits that empower you to consistently take action towards your goals – replacing old patterns with new behaviors that best align with your total vision of success and sets you up for lasting achievement.

(For without forming a network of great habits within, the natural tendency is to undermine other dimensions of life, in order to make ‘quick wins’ and which is the surest path to failure for the long-term.)  

Day Seven:
Focus for 40-Days

Apply the principle of focusing for 40-days, as to cement new habits and behaviors, leveraging the power of repetition and consistency to rewire your brain and to create lasting changes.

(For without knowing how to apply this science of focused effort, it’s highly unlikely you can break free of old habits; and you remain stuck in old patterns, doomed to repeat the same cycles over and over again, year after year.)

Are You In Pursuit of Greater Meaning In Your Life?

Whether your leadership know-how is stellar or just starting, the iLeadership Forum will have something of profound significance for you.

Here’s what you will get at the iLeadership Forum, starting 6/7th of May at the same time each day:

7 action-packed days (about 1 hour each day) of virtual LIVE training with John Angheli, Australia's foremost leadership counsellor
7 proven principles by which you can amplify the power of meaning - in your life, your organization and your community (as analyzed from two research projects that collectively took nearly 40 years to complete, and encompassed the lives of many of the greatest leaders, thinkers and achievers in our history)
Exercises and written planning tools for how to put the principles your learn into action, so you can practically inject your life with greater meaning from the very first day
Connection to a global community of other leaders like you, which will mastermind with you in making your circle of influence, one of greater meaning, happiness and strength.

Why the iLeadership Forum Is 100% Free

In times like these, meaningful leaders need a place to belong.

The isolation that haunts the pursuit of high ideals and sane leadership, this needs to be tempered by a community of kindred spirits — of individuals who, like you, stand at the nexus of ambition and uncertainty.

As such, we need a kinship that fosters support, encouragement, and the shared understanding that each step forward is a victory in itself.

This odyssey need not be travelled alone. That is why inside this iLeadership Forum, we’re generously sharing he proven tools and strategies with one another.

So, come and connect with those who understand the language of your journey. Our only ask is that you connect with other like-minded souls, share your stories, and draw strength from the collective wisdom that emerges when passionate hearts converge.

No more ‘surface-level solutions’! Here is your home where deep minds can converge for a profound victory.

So join us here, because we’re starting shortly. The countdown is on…

iLeadership Forum Starts on Monday, 20th of May, 2024
At 10am AEST (Melbourne/ Sydney)
19th of May, 2024 – 5PM PST (Los Angeles) / 8PM EST (New York),
(Sunday to Monday)



Click the Button Below and Join Us in the iLeadership Forum

And Let’s Integrate the Most Powerful First Principle
For Highly Effective Leadership, Into Your Life and Your Organization!

Results That Matter

Here are some transformations that you can expect to experience:

Conflicted Internally: Move from a state of feeling push-pulled in different directions, to a state of single minded pursuit of purpose
Stuck In the Same Habits: Discover new perspective for how to dislodge entrenched ways of being, thinking and doing that has been holding back your best self
Snail-Like Progress: Find new gears in your performance across dimensions that reflect your truer capacity
Visionary Gleam: Get back that 'visionary gleam' that inspires confidence, determination and loyalty - inclusive of yourself
Strategic Conquerer: Get back the mindset of a determined leader who leads others to victory in the most important dimensions of life
Accelerated Progress: Rediscover the depth of drive available by tapping into your genuine will for meaning, and rise above and beyond the challenges in front of you

For When All Is Said and Done...

It’s now time to take that vision that you’ve nurtured and fueled with countless hours in devouring books, and listening to podcasts, and soaking in the wisdom of those who have walked the path before you… into reality.

For you know that success is not handed to you on a silver platter… It’s earned through hard work, dedication, and a thirst for knowledge.

You know that dreams aren’t made real by endless advice and inspiration on the net… It’s made real when one puts into practice, the great principles.

You know that the world is not built by dreamers alone… It’s built by doers – the ones willing to roll up their sleeves, to get their hands dirty and do the hard work that turns dreams into reality.

Let’s get to work!

iLeadership Forum Starts on Monday, 20th of May, 2024
At 10am AEST (Melbourne/ Sydney)
19th of May, 2024 – 5PM PST (Los Angeles) / 8PM EST (New York),
(Sunday to Monday)

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